Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hidup adalah Anugerah Bagi Jiwa yang Ikhlas

Yang tinggal di gunung merindukan pantai.
Yang tinggal di pantai merindukan gunung.

Di musim kemarau merindukan musim hujan.
Di musim hujan merindukan musim kemarau.

Yang berambut hitam mengagumi yang pirang.
Yang berambut pirang mengagumi yang hitam.

Diam di rumah merindukan bepergian.
Setelah bepergian merindukan rumah.

Ketika masih jadi karyawan ingin jadi Entrepreneur supaya punya time freedom…
Begitu jadi Entrepreneur ingin jadi karyawan, biar gak pusing…

Waktu tenang mencari keramaian.
Waktu ramai mencari ketenangan.

Saat masih bujangan, pengen punya suami ganteng/istri cantik.
Begitu sudah dapat suami ganteng/istri cantik, pengen yang biasa2 saja, bikin cemburu aja/ takut selingkuh..

Punya anak satu mendambakan banyak anak.
Punya banyak anak mendambakan satu anak saja.

Kita tidak pernah bahagia sebab segala sesuatu tampak indah hanya sebelum dimiliki. Namun setelah dimiliki tak indah lagi. Kapankah kebahagiaan akan didapatkan kalau kita hanya selalu memikirkan apa yang belum ada, namun mengabaikan apa yang sudah dimiliki tanpa rasa syukur ? Semoga kita jd pribadi yang selalu bersyukur..Yg snantiasa bersyukur dngn berkah yg sudah kita miliki.
Bagaimana mungkin selembar daun yang kecil dapat menutupi bumi yang luas ini? Jangankan bumi, menutupi telapak tangan saja sulit. Namun bila daun kecil ini menempel di mata kita, maka tertutuplah bumi! Begitu juga bila hati ditutupi pikiran buruk sekecil apapun maka kita akan melihat keburukan di mana-mana. Bumi ini pun akan tampak buruk. Jangan menutup mata kita, walaupun hanya dengan daun kecil. Jangan menutupi hati kita, walaupun hanya dengan sebuah pikiran buruk/negatif!

Bila hati kita tertutup, tertutuplah semua… Syukuri apa yg ada, karena hidup adalah anugerah bagi jiwa-jiwa yg ikhlas.


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Incapability hurts!

Suddenly, i feel the urge to have someone to talk to. But then i realize, there's no one to talk.
No, it's not that I don't have anyone. I do have few friends. But talking to them just doesn't feel right.
And it just proved that I don't trust anyone. Didn't it?

How to trust? WHO to trust?

It's not I-desperately-need-to-tell-something-so-I-have-to-find-others. It's just a curiosity, is there anyone I can trust?
I just need some second opinions about something. But from who? Who can give me some good, objective opinions?

First, I honestly think people can be very judgmental. Too quick to judge even when they have only a little information. I don't want people to misjudge the situation I have, especially when they consciously ignore the complete circumstances. I don't trust this kind of people.

Second, I believe that people cannot be trusted. For they provably never be able to keep secrets. It means that people have the incapability of being trusted.

And last, when I seek for some second opinions, I have had my hope high if there was someone who's capable of giving a decent opinion. But in fact, there isn't. I know, not a single opinion is decent enough for me. For I have thought of so many possibilities, considered many options, prepared for so many bad things. 

And that's why, my friends, the incapability hurts! It really does.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Getting older

When we were young, we always wanted to know almost about everything. We wanted to know every story, every secret about everyone. We befriended so many people, hoping to know their story, their life. We intended to be involved in life.
When we were young, we were so passionate almost about every thing. We loved to tell almost every story, every adventure we had to almost everyone who wants to listen. Well, sometimes we told stories to them who don't want to hear anyway.
As years pass by, we grow older. We don't really want to know every story, or every secret about anyone. We don't love others like we used to. We don't trust people. We learned that people cannot be trusted.
Then we realize that as we grow older, we don't tell much stories anymore, we listen instead. We've seen so many things, experienced so many adventures. So many stories we have yet the intention to tell stories becomes less.
Wow. Is getting older really THAT boring?
For you who asks, i'd say NO. When you are older, you have learned that life is a bitch, and the truth always hurts.
Remember all those fairy tales you've read? None of them really exist. Remember all the good people from those Enid Blyton's books? They almost extinct. Happiness is nothing but just an illusion. Nobody cares.
That's when you know that all of your stories and adventures are just about how to survive in this hell called life.
You start to live 'the boring way', as you called it. But it's not really that bad, because you'll learn later that it's the only way to have decent life. It'll only be 'boring' if you think it is.
And that's when you know you have to accept that this is life. You can't have all those bullshit you dreamed, or those beliefs you had when you were younger.